For relatively large supermarkets, most of them use the cashier channel protection method. For general small supermarkets and specialty stores, the import and export protection method is usually used. According to the type of supermarket store, choose a reasonable form, and the type of goods to be operated, to determine whether the choice is a radio frequency supermarket anti-theft system or an acousto-magnetic supermarket anti-theft system.
At present, when choosing a certain EAS technology for domestic and foreign supermarket security: For supermarket stores that need to use a large number of supporting equipment to protect most commodities.
Supermarket anti-theft system manufacturers introduce supermarket goods can generally be divided into two categories. One category is soft goods, such as clothing, footwear and textiles, which can be protected with reusable EAS hard tags. The other category is hard commodities, such as cosmetics, food and shampoo, which can be protected by EAS single-use soft labels.
EAS soft tags and hard tags are an integral part of any EAS system, and the performance of the entire security system also depends on the correct and appropriate use of tags. It is important to note that some labels are easily damaged by moisture, while others cannot be bent. In addition, supermarket anti-theft system manufacturers introduced that some labels can be easily hidden in a box of goods, while others will affect the packaging of the goods.
Supermarket anti-theft system manufacturers introduced that the anti-theft soft labels of acousto-magnetic technology still have a certain anti-theft detection effect on products packaged with non-ferrous metal materials such as tin and foil. Therefore, the proportion of users who use the acousto-magnetic anti-theft system in drugstores and cosmetic stores is relatively high. Majority. For users who have sufficient capital budget and pay more attention to the loss prevention control of goods packaged with non-ferrous metal materials such as tin and foil, the acoustic magnetic anti-theft system can also be used.
In the whole supermarket anti-theft system application scheme, the reliability and convenience of EAS equipment and EAS degaussers introduced by supermarket anti-theft system manufacturers are also an important factor. Advanced EAS degaussers use non-contact degaussing to maximize checkout efficiency and speed up checkout lanes.