Super Narrow soft tags are smaller and narrower in size than traditional larger RFID tags and are typically used for identification and tracking in applications where space is limited. Here are some advantages of Super Narrow soft labels:
Compact size: Smaller than traditional RFID tags, which allows them to be used in scenarios where space is limited, such as on small products, medical equipment, or clothing.
Flexibility: Due to their small size and softness, Super Narrow soft labels are more flexible and can be more easily integrated with various types of products or devices without being limited by size or shape.
Low cost: Their cost is low due to the relatively simple materials and manufacturing processes used, making them a cost-effective option for large-scale deployment.
Concealability: Due to its small size, it can be more easily hidden in products or devices without affecting appearance or performance, while enabling covert tracking and management of items.
Efficiency: With efficient reading performance, the information on the label can be read quickly and accurately, thereby improving production efficiency and logistics management efficiency.